The concept of the hot air engine was invented by the Scottish priest Robert Stirling in 1816 and has become particularly relevant again today.
The concept of the hot air engine was invented in 1816 by the Scottish priest Robert Stirling and has become particularly relevant again today. The principle is as ingenious as it is simple: in a sealed cylinder, heated on its underside, a piston pushes the trapped air between the hot and the cold side back and forth. The air expands and contracts again each time, and this is converted into a rotational movement via a working piston and a crankshaft.
The energy source is any heat or cold source that can create a temperature difference, from open fires to solar energy to otherwise unused heat or cold.
Place this fully functional Stirling engine on a cup of piping hot coffee (tea or water will work too, of course), give the flywheel a little nudge to the left, and the frugal machine begins to pound quietly - for up to an hour! But that's not all: put it on a cold compress or an ice pack from the freezer and turn the flywheel to the right - it stomps here too, and even longer.
The kit includes sturdy, punched cardboard elements with lovingly designed gold print and all accessories, including laser-cut aluminum sheets, low-friction plastic axle bearings and bent wire parts made of spring steel.
Height 165 mm, width and depth 126 mm each