Body temperature is actually sufficient to operate the low-temperature Stirling engine Ultra: place the engine on the palm of your hand. After a few minutes it can start with a slight push. The motor can be operated with any heat or cold sources that lead to a temperature difference between the top and bottom plates of approx. 10° Celsius. Experiment with different heat sources: exposure to sunlight, cup of hot coffee, computer monitor or ambient air/ice cubes... Exciting demonstration of the development of force through heating and cooling.
Dieser Niedertemperatur-Stirlingmotor ist für die Zuführung von Handwärme konzipiert worden, für dessen Betrieb eine Temperaturdifferenz von nur 3 Kelvin erforderlich ist. (Erklärung Kelvin). Bei der Konstruktion des GT02 wurde Wert auf Transparenz gelegt. Deshalb bestehen der Arbeitszylinder aus Präzisions-Glas und der Verdrängungszylinder sowie das Schwungrad aus Acrylglas. Somit lässt sich die Bewegung von Arbeitskolben, Verdränger und Kurbeltrieb jederzeit verfolgen.
Due to the matt black coating of the top plate, it can also be operated as a solar motor by irradiating it with an intense light source (sun, desk lamp). For this purpose, we deliver the top plate anodized black as standard. The motor also runs very well if you place it on a cold surface at room temperature, e.g. an ice pack from the refrigerator.
The heating chamber is sealed by two O-rings, which also serve to fasten the top and bottom plates to the housing wall. The assembly is carried out using a releasable snap connection.
Um Reibungsverluste zu minimieren, sind Kurbelwelle sowie beide Pleuel in Präzisions-Miniaturkugellager gelagert. Da zudem der Arbeitskolben trocken im Arbeitszylinder läuft, ist der GT02 absolut wartungsfrei.
Depending on the heat of the hand or the ambient temperature, the GT02 silently reaches a speed of approx. 100 revolutions per minute.
The kit contains all the necessary parts and assembly instructions. All parts are prefabricated and may need to be deburred. To assemble you only need simple tools such as a screwdriver, pliers and a two-component adhesive. In about 2-4 hours you can create a fantastic little Stirling engine that can actually be operated with hand heat, hot coffee or ice cubes.